Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Our Answer to the Call


While listening to the popular song 'Courageous' by Casting Crowns, a small section of a verse stood out more than ever before.

"This is our resolution,
Our Answer To The Call."

This song is based off of the scripture in Micah 6:8 to seek justice, love mercy, and to walk humbly with our God. We so often ovlook these as actual callings, instructions, or commands. Most likely, we glance by them and are amazed at how beautiful they sound. We write them on post-it notes, then forget to ever apply these Biblical instructions from our very own Creator and Savior. We shake our fists and bow our heads in frustration, asking God for a sign, "Tell me what to do!" When we receive no answer, we walk away silent, believing the ceiling to be as brass and telling others that we are waiting on a breakthrough.

I dare say this is not only hypocrisy, but heresy as well.

God has clearly spelled out not only His character, but His will and call for each one of His followers' lives. I do not recall a single incident where our Father allowed His people to do nothing in the face of injustice, unrighteousness, or evil. Rather, He rallied them to action, despite all odds, issues, enemies and fears. He strengthened their hearts and swords, and miraculously, they overcome greater odds than a blind man at poker in Texas.

Our God is a powerful God who is wiling and able to move on earth, if only we would allow Him access to our lives. The term "hands and feet of Christ" should never be used lightly. Recall what Christ did with His hands and feet, and the description of our calling becomes ever clearer. He walked in the desert, and he fed the hungry. He touched the lepers, listened to the tax collector, and called out the religious for their apathy and misuse of the scriptures. Jesus was nothing if not revolutionary in the way He lived. He often broke the traditions of his day to make a heavenly point and to bring salvation to the masses. It mattered not that it would only be a small portion who would believe. It mattered not that he had no place to call his own. Everything he did was done for the glory of God and to show that glory to humanity.

Have we become so wrapped up in pretty words and photographs that we have stopped living the gospel?

Indeed, when a call is issued, an answer is required. At the basis of humanity, it would be rude not to answer. Indeed, when your superior contacts you, you would lose your job if you ignored their message. Why then do we so flippantly brush off the command to love all people unconditionally? Why do we look away from the hungry and the homeless, the unsheltered and the battered? What about the orphans and widows that Christ specifically mentioned as the responsibility of the church? And lest we forget, how Abut the ones without a voice! The trafficked, the broken, the hidden and abandoned? Are we not called to be a voice for them as well? 

Yes. Yes we are.

Do you need proof of this? Do you need reminded of the call? These direct orders from the throne room of heaven? If so, then here are a list of said commands, look at them, then I challenge you to look in the mirror.

Micah 6:8
Matthew 28
Romans 12:1-21
Mark 16:15
Matthew 6:33
Romans 9:19-27
Isaiah 61
Isaiah 1:17
James 1:27
Proverbs 31:8-9

These are just a handful of what He instructs us and calls us to do. Take the time to do a Bible study and find out what He says. Also, ask yourself these questions:
What can each of us be doing differently to be carrying out the commands of Christ?
How can you partner with others to make an impact?

Nothing is impossible with God.
Do we really believe this?
If yes, then it is time for the church to begin to live what we believe. 

Peace & Blessings

~*~Leave a Legacy that will Make a Difference in the World Around You.~*~

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