Wednesday, April 9, 2014

YourLife is YourMessage

A couple years ago I took a picture of myself and paired it with a quote from Gandhi, "My life is my message." Though I have changed much since that time in my life, the motto remains the same. The idea of us being our own message is quite true. While attending the funeral of my great uncle, something the long winded preacher shared stood out above the rest. He said, "Billy preached his own funeral. We all do by the life we live."

This is a true statement.

If there is one thing I have held onto for years, it is the desire to leave a legacy. Not so much so I can be remembered in a hundred years by people internationally, but so that once I am passed, I have somehow made an impact on someone else's life. Through that, they will impact another, and so on and so on. So that throughout history, though my name may never be mentioned again, my heart will live on in the lives I have influenced, by who they influence, etc.

It is a beautiful picture, in my mind.

It is the same idea as 'paying it forward', as exemplified in a 1980's film entitled 'Pay it Forward'. In this film, an elementary/middle school teacher challenges his students to come up with an idea in which to impact humanity for the greater good. How can we change the world? One young boy created the idea of paying it forward, a reverse on the common "I'll pay you back/I owe you." Instead, when you do something for another person, tell them to pay it forward to three other people. Each of those people then impact another three people, and each of them do something for three people, and you get the idea. Though our lives are just a breathe in the grand scheme of things, we do have the power to change the lives around us. Whether it is showing an extra kindness to the flustered McDonald's cashier, or paying for somebody's lunch, we each have the power to leave a positive impact on others. I firmly believe this is a basic human duty to each other, one that we have grossly neglected. We should not wait to be asked to help, we should jump in and help. The word 'Charity' can be defined as Christian love or as Agape. Complete, whole and unconditional. This is to be shown to all people, as difficult as that may be (especially for those of us who struggle with road rage *raises hand*). 

It basically boils down to this: Love people. Take life one day at a time and love people. Your family and your friends. Make right the wrongs. Show kindness. Give 100% 24/7. Never give up.

Your life is your message; so what is yours? 

Peace & Blessings

~*~Leave a Legacy that will Make a Difference in the World Around You.~*~

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