Thursday, May 22, 2014

No Real Life Fairy Tale

As children, we live upon hopes and dreams spoken into us through fairy tales. Boys form their opinion of manhood of stories of knights and warriors, while little girls fancy themselves princesses and damsels. So often, these tales become a joy and refuge as our young mind grows. However, as we mature, we soon begin to realize that not all men are knights of honor, and not all women are damsels of good repute. 

Our once black and white view of the world, often shaded by rose-colored glasses, becomes shattered once something 'Ungood' comes our way. A broken family. A death. Abuse. Fear. Neglect. Reality sets in and our once innocent minds become perverted by the world we once beheld in wonder.

This is a shameful and hurtful truth. Grey matter enters in, and many of us walk into adulthood confused, but still sure that there is good in the world. This same world breaks that idea when people we love, respect, or care for begin to betray and hurt us in ways never imagined. Small misdeeds that shattered us as children now occur on a grander scale, with much worse consequences. 

We begin to learn how to build walls that ancient Rome would have envied. We learn how not to trust, such as the lesson of the Trojan Horse. Most harshly, we begin to learn how to not love. This is not to say we don't love, no no, of course not. We still feel the emotion, and will often comment of how much we love something. However, when it comes right down to it, very few of us actually realize what true love is, in a non-sensual type of way. We come to distrust even the very appearance of what could be love, and often frightened at the idea of commitment. Broken families taught us. Broken hearts drove the point home. Fears that began as a seed in a child's mind mature into a strong fortress of shattered dreams and dark nightmares. 

Fairy tales, we begin to believe, aren't real. Perhaps even they are a sick way of torturing us with what should be, despite all their flaws. At least they have a happy ending, whereas so few of us see a chance at one. 

Oh I know this is a dark post, but truly, how much longer are we going to fool ourselves into acting like we are completely fine? The truth is, many of us have had these same thoughts before, and if you haven't, you surely will. It's a sadistic truth, gnarled and twisted. Not everyone gets a happy ending, on this earth. Not everyone gets a happy ending after earth. Though the first may not be of your choice, the second surely is.

You can choose a happy second ending.
You can also impact another persons ending.
Choose wisely.

Peace & Blessings

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