Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Broken for Light

"We are all broken. That's how the light gets in." ~ Ernest Hemingway

While browsing the Internet the other day, I came across this quote. I must say, it stopped me in my tracks and my mind began churning. How many times have we cursed our brokenness? How often have we denied our scars and wounds, in an effort to put on a facade? Yet in this one statement, Hemingway acknowledges the brokenness we all face, and turns it into something beautiful. 

When we hide out shattered pieces, we block the light from entering. If our skin becomes scratched, we cannot always keep it bound. It will soon become soft and mushy, and a proper scab for healing will never begin. We must unwind the wound and allow air and light to touch it. This is a difficult task, as we desire to keep our problems hidden and unseen. Untouchable, in ord to protect form further hurt. This results in never fully healing, and a sensitivity that should not be there. 

The truth is, we are all broken. Life happens. It is a beautiful blessing, but so often, we treat it carelessly, and as a result, treat others wrecklessly as well. Wounds happen, and instead of healing and becoming a memory, we cling to those wounds and the blood and the pain all the more. We do this as a way of protecting ourselves, often not realizing we ar only inflicting more pain. 

I cry out for us to start letting the light in. Be raw. Be vulnerable. Be open. Admit your brokenness, and others will follow your lead. Let the healing begin, and even though it hurts a bit, it will soon become healed when exposed to the light. Breathe in the air and become 'ok' again. There is nothing wrong with admitting you are broken. 

Just let the light in.

Peace & Blessings

~*~Leave a Legacy that will Make a Difference in the World Around You.~*~

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully stated, Ashley. Doesn't make it easier to let the light in, but it helps knowing that light and are are the solution. :-) Blessings.
